It’s Opening Day!

Family Care begins our first season in the RTP Softball league today! If you notice everyone wearing the same thing at our office today, its because we have Family Care jerseys now!

If you want to come out and support our team, we play the NCREN Bears at 5:45pm on RTP Field 3. This will also be the first ever softball game for a couple of our employees, so should be a fun time. We have a great mix of players from different teams that Ryan has played with in the past and think we have a decent chance at the championship!

Play Ball!

July 10 is “Don’t Step on a Bee” Day!

The name of this holiday is just too funny to overlook. I feel like people would be much more likely to swat or spray a bee rather than step on them, but I think I get their point. Bees are good! Don’t kill them! They are also our North Carolina state insect, so you’ll probably go to jail for killing one. I’m not completely sure on that one, but its still not worth the risk!

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Saturday Night Plans? Rock The Park Movie Series: The Sandlot

Don’t have anything else to do this weekend? One of my favorite movies of all time (The Sandlot) is playing tomorrow night at 8:30pm at Durham Central Park. The admission is free, food trucks will be on site, and you get to watch Benny and the Beast! I bet you can’t watch the trailer without wanting to go see this great movie in the park!


April 25 is Healthy Kids Day!

Healthy Kids Day is an annual initiative created and sponsored by the YMCA. Here is a description of the Health Holiday from their website:

Summer is the time for kids to get up, get out and grow. But for some kids, exposure to activities that stimulate the body and mind ends with the school year. In fact, research shows that kids are prone to gain more weight and fall behind in studies. On April 25, the Y will celebrate Healthy Kids Day®, our national initiative to improve the health and well-being of kids.

The goal of the holiday is to raise awareness for negative impact that unhealthy childhood eating and exercising habits have throughout a child’s life and make it a priority to develop healthy habits at an early age. This site has a lot of useful information that parents can read to make sure they are enabling their children to be able to lead a healthy lifestyle as adults. Here are a couple excerpts:

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Wolfpack Wednesdays…on Friday!

Due to the special event this evening at 7:37pm, our favorite “official” Family Care holiday – Wolfpack Wednesdays – will also be celebrated today for a special “Wolfpack Friday” edition. Everyone is encouraged to wear red today to support NC State, but make sure you don’t wear Lousville’s shade of red. We do not want to accidentally send our good vibes to the wrong team.

About Wolfpack Wednesdays:

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